official report

美 [əˈfɪʃl rɪˈpɔːrt]英 [əˈfɪʃl rɪˈpɔːt]
  • 官方报告
official reportofficial report
  1. And what he wrote in his notes doesn 't match the official report .


  2. Official report of a royal commission


  3. The official report basically exonerated everyone


  4. Please give me a copy of the doping control official report .


  5. His name did not appear in the official report .


  6. Rapid socio-economic development official report generation provides the necessary material basis of the technology may .


  7. An official report ( usually sent in haste ) .


  8. Then why in the official report


  9. They bodied forth their findings in an official report .


  10. Lijiang city 's the official report on analysis of prevalent trend of infectious disease from 1983 to 2007


  11. The official report plays up the likely benefits of the scheme , but glosses over the costs .


  12. The official report which I 've just typed off describes the meeting with Stalin in sufficient detail .


  13. Teenage magazines are taking the place of parents in teaching children the facts of life , an official report warns .


  14. The official report on the Kennedy assassination was whitewash .


  15. Earlier this year an official report found that village dwellers lived an average of two years longer than those living in towns and cities .


  16. But I am in a great hurry , man , to take that dispatch . an official report ( usually sent in haste ) .


  17. She said information about China 's foreign aid has previously trickled out in a piecemeal fashion and not been compiled into an official report .


  18. An official report by the Department of Trade and Industry say that the Earth 's temperature will rise by up to6 C by the end of the century .


  19. The project was eventually terminated , according to the official report at the time , because there was insufficient evidence of the utility of the intelligence data produced .


  20. The main content of the first chapter of the nature and name of the official report whether the problem originated in the Tang Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty official .


  21. Since the first official report of the application of PDI in kidney blood perfusion in 1994 , PDI has been found to have distinct advantages in the low speed blood flow imaging .


  22. A separate official report on Wednesday showed that the eurozone jobless rate remained at 11.5 percent in November , around the level at which it has been for the last year .


  23. Some individuals have reportedly been detained during the investigation of the subway site cave-in as the public awaits the official report on the cause of the accident .


  24. An official report says the construction of China 's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 complete its orbiting , landing and roving operations .


  25. Academic has basically reached a consensus , plus two copies of Dunhuang played into the hospital like the kind found almost certain , the ancient official report originated in the Tang Dynasty .


  26. An official report to be published tomorrow will not identify those who funded Dr Liam Fox 's self-styled adviser , The Daily Telegraph can disclose .


  27. the Inman line 's Etna running afoul of the monster , an official report drawn up by officers on the French frigate Normandy ,


  28. The first is the advent of the Tang Dynasty , an official report issued by the Government ( the contents of the court and the dynamics , the reader is the official capital ) .


  29. An official report into former defence secretary Liam Fox 's links with his self-styled adviser Adam Werritty is expected to find that he breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct .


  30. The extent of China 's soil pollution , long guarded as a state secret , was laid out in an official report that confirmed deep-seated fears about contaminated farmland and the viability of the country 's food supply .
